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What is Midtown Madness?
Midtown Madness is a game for the PC, developed by Angel Studios and is published by Microsoft. Midtown Madness takes place
in the city of Chicago were you race around traffic and opponents. There are five types of
racing scenarios, including Cruise, Waypoint, Blitz Circuit and Online Cops & Robbers
which provide hours of gameplay. Click here
for some Screen Shots of game play! |
- System Requirement:
- Multimedia PC with Pentium 200 or a Pentium 166 with 3D accelerator
- Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows 2000 operating system
- 16MB of RAM for Windows 95 or Windows 98, 32MB recommended; 32MB of RAM for Windows 2000
- 300 MB of available hard-disk space
- Double speed CD-ROM drive, quad-speed recommended
- Super VGA 16-bit color monitor
- Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device; joystick or steering wheel recommended
- MS DirectSound 6.0 API compatible sound card with speakers or headphones for audio
System Requirement for Multiplayer play:
- 28.8Kbps or faster modem, local area network with TCP/IP or IPX protocol or a null modem
cable required for connection to other systems
- To play on the MSN Gaming Zone, you need to have one of the following web browsers:
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.02 or later or Netscape Communicator 4.0 or later
- Cool collection of 9+ licensed vehicles
- From exotic race cars to semi-trucks - each with incredibly accurate physics, damage
modeling and unique strengths for navigating city streets
- Exciting racing scenarios with no fixed tracks to restrict you
- Create your own best course with virtually unlimited shortcuts and routes through the
- Challenge up to 8 opponents online via the MSN Gaming Zone(msn.zone.com) or race on your
own against an intelligent AI in single play
- Download new tracks and cars and play with them in Midtown.
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